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產品概述 說明
  • ABO Blood Type System
  • Rhesus D Blood Type System
  • Single Use
  • Home Blood Test Kit
  • D'Adamo Personalized Nutrition
  • O - A- B- AB

Discover your blood type with the only at-home self-test kit endorsed by Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo

Intended use: A self test kit to determine your blood type inside the ABO- and Rhesus-D Systems on an ELDONCARD 2511 with one test per car. Instructions for use mo. 410, rev. 2015-12-17

What Can Your Blood Type Tell You ?

Why are some people plagues by poor healthy while other seem to live healthy, vital lives even late in life? Does blood type influence personality? A single drop of blood contains a biochemical make up as unique as your fingerprint. Your blood type is a key to unlocking the secrets to your biochemical individuality. Food and supplements contain lectins that interact with your cells depending on your blood type. This explains why some nutrients which are beneficial to one blood type, may be harmful to the cells of another. Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo, the author of the best selling books, Eat Right for Your Type and Right for Your Type gives you some tips on leading a healthy lifestyle.

Knowing your blood types gives you the nutritional edge in weight loss, helps to resolve healthy issues, and open the door to a vital, energetic new you.

Weight Loss: Many common foods contain ingredients that cause weight gain. Discover which foods trigger this reaction in you and the best weight loss foods for your type.

Energy: Some foods with a reputation for boosting energy may leave people of some blood types lethargic and drained. Do yo know which energy foods are right for you?

Mental Focus & Clarity: Experiencing "brain-fog?" Feeling unfocused? Lean which herbs and nutrients boost your brainpower.

Stress Reduction: Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo research reveals that different blood types respond to stress in different ways. Dr. D'Adamo suggest the stress-busters that work best for you.


Open the bag / envelope, collect materials, and read instructions before you begin.

You will need:

  • A pen
  • A glass of water


  • 1 EldonCard 2511 in an air and moisture-proof envelope
  • 4 EldonSticks
  • 1 Skin Cleansing Swab
  • 1 Automatic Lancet
  • 1 Water Dropper
  • 1 Instruction Sheet

You should know:

Your EldonCard is delivered in a moisture-proof envelope. Once exposed to the air, it must be used within the same day. This test kit can be used only once. Do not use any of the accesories coming into contact with the blood for more than one person. Perform the test at room temperature. Wash your hands before and after your blood test.

When you are done:

Dispose of the Lancet, Disinfectant Wipe and the EldonSticks.

Active Ingredients:

Anti-A: Murine IgM Birma-1, Anti-B: Murine IgM LB-2, Anti-D: Human IgM MS-201

8 Simple Steps

  1. Fill in the EldonCard. Enter information for the person being tested. Do no touch the four rings at the top of the EldonCard.
  2. Prepare the EldonCard. Fill the Water Dropper from the glass of water. Place on water droplet in the center of each of the four rings. Do not touch the card with the dropper.
  3. Prepare the Lancet. Remove the colored cap, slowly twisting and pulling until it comes loose. The needle will remain hidden.
  4. Prepare fingertip. Soak your ring finger in warm water for 2 minutes to soften the skin. Dry skin and disinfect fingertip with the Disinfectant Wipe. Let dry. Place the tip of the lancet against side of fingertip. Press the Lancet firmly into fingertip to release the short, single-use needle. It will automatically retract after breaking the surface of the skin.
  5. Draw blood. Massage your finger to press the blood toward the fingertip until a blood droplet forms that is about 1/8 inch in diameter.
  6. Transfer blood droplet to EldonCard. Hold the blood drop above the EldonStick. Take care not to smear the blood on your fingertip. Transfer droplet to the first ring. Place the blood droplet in the center of the ring, where you placed the water droplet. Leave the tip of the EldonStick in the center of the ring. (You will use it to stir the droplet in a moment). Transfer a blood droplet to each of the remaining three rings, using a new EldonStick for each ring.
  7. Stir and spread. Use each ring's own Eldon-Stick to mix the blood droplet with the water droplet. Spread each blood droplet to completely fill its ring.
  8. Rotate. The blood will begin to interact with special coating. To make sure the process works, you must tilt and rotate the EldonCard for 40 seconds:
  • Hold the Eldon card upright for 10 seconds to let the blood "flow" downward within the rings.
  • Rotate the card 180 degrees and hold for 10 second to reverse the flow.
  • Rotate 90 degrees and hold for 10 seconds.
  • Rotate 180 degrees and hold for 10 seconds.

Let the EldonCard dry at room temperature. Use the chart to the right to interpret your test results


Storage and Stability

Eldon Home Kit contains one EldonCard in a moisture proof aluminium foil envelope, which protects the card against humidity. When en envelope is cut open, the card should be used within the same day.

EldonCard should be store between 5 and 37 °C. When kept inside this temperature range, the cards are stable for 2 years. The expiry month (see "Symbols") is printed and on the card in the format yyyy-mm. Use the card before the end of the indicated month.


A small number of persons have weak D antigens on the blood cells, and an agglutinate may not be seen, Only specialized laboratories can detect week D antigens with certainty.

In rare case non-specific agglutinates may develop in the presence of certain proteins. If so, the agglutinate is also visible in the control circle, which mean an invalid result. A new test has to be performed. It is possible that your blood type can only be determined in a specialized centre.

Keep out of reach of children.

After your results is know put all cotents back in the original bag and dispose with your daily household waste products.

EldonCars are delivered in moisture proof envelopes. Eldon-Cards exposed to the air for more than 30 minutes should be used within the same day.

Never use the result of this test as the sole basis for any medical treatment.

Consult your practitioner before making any decisions.

Not for use by haemophiliacs or person taking blood-thinning medicines (anticoagluants).

 南堤路3段D'adamo, 血型試劑盒,1個簡易自檢試劑盒揪團買

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