前陣子在賣場上有看到一罐 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價!!!
但一罐 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價價格還蠻貴的,想說找一下原廠價格
後來我在這個網站找到 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價發現居然比市售便宜好幾倍。
 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價真的讓我省超多的不如直接買 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價就看這裡
找尋 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價心得看這裡

產品概述 說明
  • Gluten Free
  • Refreshing Cold, Delicious Hot
  • K-Parve
  • 100% Caffeine Free
  • No Acidity
  • No Bitterness
  • 50 Cups

All The Goodness of Dandelion in an Instant!

The Easiest Way to Get Dandelion in Your Diet

  • Rich, smooth full-bodied coffee flavor, but no caffeine, acidity or bitterness.
  • No additives or preservatives. Nothing artificial
  • Made from water-soluble extracts of two roasted roots and two roasted grains. Nothing else.
  • Gluten from barley and rye, which in insoluble in water, is eliminated in the water extracting process.
  • Sweetness comes from fructose that occurs naturally in roasted dandelion and chicory roots.
  • No pesticides, radiations, nor GMO's
  • 630 mg dandelion/chicory extract per level tsp. of powder (6 oz. cup)
  • Going from coffee to Dandy Blend is easy-there are no withdrawal symptoms.
  • May be suitable for women who are pregnant and people with diabetes or celiac. Consult your doctor.

The Many Ways to Enjoy Dandy Blend

The Basic

Dandy blend is so versatile that, depending on how much powder you use, it can be everything from a pleasant, nutty roasted tea to a rich, strong espresso. It also is the easiest way to get the benefits of dandelion root into your diet. Add one spoonful in a cup of hot or cold liquid, stir, and it is ready to drink. It makes a particularly good iced coffee for use in warm weather.

  • 1 level tsp per 8 oz = tea-like beverage
  • 1 rounded tsp per 8 oz = rich, full bodied coffee
  • 1 heaping tsp to 1 tablespoon for an espresso strength beverage.
  • Stir in a bit of cinnamon for added flavor

As Gourmet-Style Coffee Beverages

Dandy Cafe Lattes - Add Dandy Blend to 8 oz of cold or hot milk or milk alternatives of your choice, add flavorings and sweeteners that you like, and YUM! Want it cold? Add ice-cubes.

Dandy Cinnamon Nutmeg Cafe au Lait

  • 8 oz cold or hot milk or milk alternative
  • 1 rounded tsp. Dandy Blend
  • Sprinkle of cinnamon
  • Pinch of nutmeg
  • Sweeten to taste
  • Stir or blend until smooth, and drink. Make 1 serving

Cafe Mocha

  • 8 oz cold or hot milk
  • 1 rounded tsp. Dandy Blend
  • 3 tablespoons chocolate syrup or sweetened cocoa Add milk, Dandy Blend and chocolate. Stir or blend.

The version of latte you can make are limited only by your imagination and creativity. On a weight training or weight loss regimen? Add protein powder to your Dandy Blend. It's great!

Specialty Drink

Dandy Shake

  • 2 scoops vanilla or chocolate ice cream, softened
  • 8 oz of cold milk or daily alternative
  • 1 rounded teaspoon Dandy Blend powder
  • Combine all ingredients in a blender, and blend until smooth and creamy. Pour into a tall glass and serve with a straw.

Other Adventures with Dandy Blend

Dandy Blend can be used in any recipe calling for coffee, usually on a one-to-one basis. (The exception is cake frosting, where you use a two-to-one ratio.) Add it to ice cream, yogurt, cookies, even pumpernickel bread and stews.


Extracts of roasted barley*, rye*, chicory root*, dandelion root*.

*Certified organic cultivation.


May provide increased energy - use with discretion before bedtime. Product sold by weight. Settling will occur during shipping.

Serving Size: 1 level tsp (2 g)
Servings Per Container: 50
Amount Per Serving %Daily Value*
Calories 5
Total Fat 0 g 0%
Sodium 0 mg 0%
Total Carb 1 g 0%
Protein 0 g
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價

 除臭襪 發熱衣 維霖診所評價 內褲 借錢網 運彩網路下注


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另徵全省御匾會現金板代理 希望大家看 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價會喜歡唷~

關鍵字: 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 ,有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 專賣店, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 門市, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 大遠百, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 新光, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 新光站前, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 新光信義, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 新光三越, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 版急, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 SOGO, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 忠孝SOGO, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 新竹巨城, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 台茂, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 尚順, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 太平洋百貨, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 廣三SOGO, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 勤美綠園道, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 漢神巨蛋, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 漢神百貨, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 臺北市, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 新北市, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 桃園市, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 臺中市, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 臺南市, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 高雄市, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 基隆市, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 新竹市, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 嘉義市, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 新竹縣, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 苗栗縣, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 彰化縣, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 南投縣, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 雲林縣, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 嘉義縣, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 屏東縣, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 宜蘭縣, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 臺東縣, 有光路Dandy Blend, 有機速溶草藥飲料,蒲公英,無咖啡因,3.53盎司(100克)大量批發價 澎湖縣